
This year, we are asking our members to consider and vote for a new set of bylaws as a proposition to our election ballot. Bylaws are the rules an organization agrees to follow to be consistent, sustainable, and equitable. Because we are an association of professionals, our bylaws are authorized by our members.

The first button below will take you to our current bylaws. In 2016, NAEYC reorganized and all affiliates had to reapply to maintain affiliate status. That is when we got the current logo and name (HIAEYC). Some of us fondly remember the tangram "H" and the name HAEYC prior to re-affiliation, and some old documents still bear these identifiers. The current bylaws were developed then, and periodically adjusted as time progressed.

The second button will take you to the proposed bylaws. If approved, these will be the new rules we follow. The major difference is in organization. We broke topics out to make it easier to find specific information. We added details to add clarity without taking away flexibility. For instance, we identified county representatives broadly in 2016, and described what they are responsible for in more detail in 2023. We also added a section to describe disruptive and disrespectful behavior. While Hawai‘i has not experienced a lot of the negative dynamics other organizations have on the mainland, we are not immune and should therefore be prepared.

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