State Board Elections

The Process

Are you confused about how certain people get on the State Board of Directors? Ever wonder why the keep shuffling around and new people suddenly appear? Let's break it down.

The State Board of Directors has 16 positions. Each position is for a two-year term. Each year, half of those seats are up for election. A board member can only hold one seat at a time, and cannot be an employee or contractor of HIAEYC. That means that each year members of the Elections Committee needs to encourage 8 members (you) to join the board. We have a nomination board at the annual Early Childhood Conference in October so that people attending the annual membership meeting at the conference can encourage friends to volunteer, but the process often begins before the conference with a call for nomination. The committee goes to each nominee to verify that they are interested in the position they have been nominated for, a slate of nominees is developed, and members in good standing are emailed a ballot to vote. The State Board certifies the election in December, and the new board members begin their terms in January.


In November of an even numbered year, the following seats are open for nomination:

  • Vice President for Public Policy
  • Treasurer
  • Hawai‘i County Representative
  • Honolulu City and County Representative
  • 3 At-Large seats.


In November of an odd numbered year, the following seats are open for nomination:

  • President-Elect
  • Vice President for Membership
  • Secretary
  • Kaua‘i County Representative
  • Maui County Representative
  • 3 At-Large seats.


President: Sets the agenda and runs the meetings. This means that the President is in charge of keeping the organization moving. The President is also in charge of overall messaging so everyone knows what is going on and who needs help.

President-Elect: Is the president-in-training. This person is getting familiar with the big-picture items of the organization. The President-Elect becomes the President when that person's term ends or resigns from the position. The President-Elect is also in charge of running the board elections.

Vice President of Membership Services: This person manages the state-wide calendar of events. The annual Early Childhood Conference is an example, and the VP of Membership chairs the conference subcommittee (which any member can join). There is also coordination with the national organization, so the VP of Membership would organize events and local support materials for things like Week of the Young Child. This person would also coordinate with each county calendars of events.

Vice President of Public Policy: This person works with various state-wide organizations and agencies to provide a voice for early childhood providers as these organizations develop initiatives to propose to state lawmakers. As these initiatives move forward, this person organizes and provides lawmakers with information about our field to improve their decision-making. This person also coordinates with the national organization on their efforts at the federal level.

Treasurer: This person oversees and reports on our finances, and helps create a budget plan that will allow us to accomplish our organizations goals. This person works with our bank and accountant to ensure smooth cash flow and appropriate investment of funds.

Secretary: This person keeps the records and history of our organization, and makes sure meeting notes are distributed to the right people in a timely manner. This person is also the primary person responsible for keeping this website updated.

County Representative: Each county will have one person to oversee the local activities of our organization. That may be setting up interesting workshops or discussion groups, or organizing a county conference. This person organizes member volunteers to help, informs the State Board about county issues and opinions on state or federal issues, and is a voting member of the State Board.

Director At-Large: Being "at-large" means that you have a broader focus. At-large directors give balance and robustness to the board by providing a larger, more general view of the organization and the services it provides. If you are looking to get your leadership feet wet, this is a great starting place. Should someone resign from the board (except the President and President-Elect), an At-Large director may be asked to fill out their term.

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